Amendments to BCD Overlay Code

The Urban Renewal Advisory Board (URAB), Affordable Housing Committee, Planning Commission, and City Staff recommended some amendments to the Bend Central District’s special overlay code to reduce barriers to housing development and redevelopment within the BCD.

On Wednesday, February 19th, 2020, the Bend City Council passed the proposed amendments to the Bend Central District (BCD) Overlay Code!

It was a 6-1 vote with Councilor Moseley in opposition. It will go into effect in April. The City Council did make a few changes: Removed the limits on building sizes with a 4-3 vote (Councilors Abernethy, Livingston, Moseley, and Piper in support of removing the limits). We had supported keeping these limitations for the ground floor of buildings to help small and local businesses compete in the area. Added language to monitor parking availability and make changes as needed.

Benefits of new code:

  • Allows for more housing

  • Supports vertical development

  • Code changes will help implement BCD vision.

The proposed code amendments for the Bend Central District would re-legalize more traditional types of development where people thrive by reducing parking requirements and allowing more types of housing.

CO LandWatch